Not a real post
This is only a test. Had this been a real post there would have been actual content, instead of this pathetic linkfest...

In an uncharacteristic show of wisdom, Raksha and I have decided to call our little contest a draw... just as well, because I was going to counter her mention of Celebrian (39 pages!?) with a little touch of Harry Potter Slash Fanfic *shudder* (if you don't know what "Slash" means in this context, count yourself lucky).

My brain needs a shower...

In somewhat cleaner crossover news, the Fruit Fucker 2000 makes his way to AppleGeeks. It must be late, because my response was, "Hey, I have that shirt too!"

The guys at Little Gamers point out the obvious...

Wade and Aikida have little spat.

And Oh My Gods! finally updated.


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