Ok, so the music is awful, but I thought this video did a good job of showing the speed and intensity of handball. It also features several fit young men without shirts... which appeals to a certain portion of my readership.
If you're near the Black Vatican and would like to try handball, just let me know. We play after work almost every weekday, and we totally have hot guys with no shirts playing with us ALL THE TIME...
Hey! false advertising! I always wear my shirt! ;)
Maybe Smith will take his shirt off for the ladies... and Jim.
Yes, you do Brendon. And about that... ;) Seriously though, handball is a helluva lot of fun. Especially when it's time for the Jim and Linus comedy hour, also known as "So the Black Pope and Wyoming's biggest 'mo walk into a gym..."
PS...I've avoided posting the verification words. Until now. erjimg? Is that Erg....Jim! all rushed together?
So, the music was awesome. It reminded me of the boss levels on all the cheesy video games I played when I was little.
Handball is fun, though. Thanks for not laughing at my slight lack of coordination and depth perception!
Miss Caitie is doing very well, and will soon be ready to play doubles with the boys. We will be using the "big blue" ball for a while yet, but she will upgrade to the white label "Ladies Hardball" soon, I'm sure...
My favorite part of the video is that I can't see the ball at all, so it's just a bunch of dudes flailing around. That makes several of them look like they've come down with an extra accute case of Teh Ghey.
Hand ball is fast..
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