All things pass away...

and many of the Flock, including the Inquisitors shown here are moving on.

High Lord Inquisitor Rachel is headed off to save the world, one Latin American Country at a time. The Peace Corps is her plan.

NerdyGirl the Unbeliever is looking for some rest and a mindless job until grad school next year, maybe.

General Raksha is headed to Ohio State University for a Masters in Women's Studies. Who will lead the G.I. Janes?

The Apostle Ben has found a job in his field in Denver.

Little Flower is looking at MFA programs in Creative Writing.

The Artist Theolaureate (The Hopeless Romantic) is going to Japan, land of hentai and elegant goth lolitas (that lucky bastard). He'll be teaching there for up to 2 years.

The Pink Princess is looking at a teaching job in Arizona, among other places.

Me? Oh I'm stuck right fucking here. I still have to finish a 3 credit independent study, and two math classes. I'll be leaving in December...


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