If you haven't read the post before this one, you really need to scroll down...

Darth Furious here.

I made a new family - the Ugolinos. There was dad (the Count), and four sons - the youngest being little Anselmo. I locked them in a single room, with only a tiny, high window, and bricked up the door. As planned, they slowly went mad and died of hunger... but to my disappointment, those who lived the longest never turned cannibal.

Though I stand in for Archbishop Ruggieri, these digital Guelphs refused to play their part. Perhaps it was the setting - not enough oppressive stone and flickering wall sconces to properly simulate the Torre della Fame. Or perhaps, the folks who coded the Sims never read Dante...

At any rate, the Sims have proven a valuable tool for PoMo/Decon review of my favorite literature. Despite this early setback, I will push on. I have to go now, and build a crumbling mansion for Roderick and Madeline... surely you remember Rod and Maddy, the twins? - the "last of the ancient race of the Ushers."

Note: shooting fireworks at the chemistry set is pretty cool...


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