So this 400th post has loomed over me for weeks now. Worrying about it, wondering what it should be, and answering emails from Flocksters who want to know when it's going up has dominated my free time. There is actually a raw spot on my right leg where it has been humping me everytime I sit down at the papal iBook. I had grand delusions that it was to be the start of a new chapter in the Ministry.

The problem is that so much has changed in the last few weeks that the post I had originally decided on - an exhaustive retrospective, reenacting the important works of the tentacle pr0n canon starring several of your favorite BCPs - no longer seems relevant. Plus, the whole project was way over budget... Raksha wanted her own trailer, Tessa would only agree to spanking scenes, NerdyGirl wanted her octopoid co-stars to make their rope work more tidy, and Mandy kept insisting that their tentacles be pink... At any rate, that idea has been scrapped, and instead I am compelled to bore you with another post about changes.

The biggest change for me has been my new address. My previous home, Flock Hall, although still nominally occupied, is a tattered shell of its former self. Britt moved out months ago. Tessa and Mark returned from Nevada briefly to fetch their worldly possessions, and left again. Almost all of my belongings have been moved to the new Black Vatican, and I will have the last little bit moved by the time you read this. Only Ben remains, and he is in the process of sorting and packing for his move as well. Walking the ghostly halls of my old demesne feels like putting a beloved animal companion to sleep; "Rest now, old friend. Just close your eyes, and let go."

Of course, I don't want Flock Hall to die. I wish it could somehow just...expand. If the house - and life - could just open up a bit, and give each of us a little more space, a little more money, and a little more time for each other, we could go on living as a slightly dysfuntional little commune, in the dusty home we made together. But the dimensions of the old house by the tracks remain fixed, and to a certain extent, so are the life choices we've each made.

Don't get me wrong - I like my new house very much. It's got hardwood floors, nice landscaping outside, and a diligent landlord who keeps everything shipshape. Ajax and I have more room than we know what to do with, and we both like that it has numerous sunny windows and quiet neighbors - but a lot has to happen there before it can be called a home.

From the street

Dining Hall

Living Room (note the built-in shrine space for my altar to Speed Racer, blessed be His shiny helmet...)

Kitchen, left and right views

You may wonder why there is no photo of the Black Pope's bedroom. Viewing the bed chambers of His Sinfulness is, of course, reserved for those BCPs who have shown the proper faithfulness, and a willingness to receive the Sable Pontiff's "special blessing." Rumors that you have to be baptized in the blood of unchristened babies and wear special underwear to enter are completely false, but you do have to contend with Raksha, who is said to be rabid, and willing to "cut a bitch" who comes near her man.

In the end, this post is just like any other found here, and I apologize to my regular readers for the delay. I promise that when the next posting milestone arrives, I will make sure the 500th post humps someone elses leg...


Mandyfish said...

Humor, reflection, and looking to the future.....I think you nailed the 400th post.

And who said we'd have to fight Raksha? Could we just lick her instead? BCP's are good at that. :)

Linus said...

Thanks for the kind words, Amanda Panda! :)

You will have to negotiate your passage with Raksha...

Big Gay Jim said...

EW. The post was great. Mandy's comments, on the other hand, made my brain bleed. ;)

sivartkram said...

I had a brain leak once...

or was that something else?

anywho... way to go 400!

Anonymous said...

New place and everything. As you know, life happens and stuff changes.

Modig said...

Can't wait to see the place in person. Man I hope Tara isn't the first "bitch" to be cut by Raksha.

ZEUS said...

Ok.. as an all seeing being I can tell you - the bedroom isn't that impressive anyway. Well, not without a BCP or three standing around in their places around the dark pontiff's bed.

WTG on 400. May your ministry live on for many more multiples thereof.

Squid said...

:) Awesome post most unholy one. Maybe the confines of the old commune can bend a little bit, granted it won't be the same as before, but nothing ever is. I would hope our ties with each other are enough to keep come kind of camaraderie between us and the friendship flowing, even if the group has been spread out between hundreds and hundreds of miles.

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