and so it begins...

As I warned you all about a month ago, I'm making some lifestyle changes. I've been waiting for this cold to go away so that I could get back to the gym, and finally it has receded enough that I can actually break a sweat without having a coughing fit. It's time.

I want to let the Flock know in advance because I don't want anyone to be hurt by me turning down a lunch or dinner invite. I also want to let the racquetball players among you know that I'm looking for opponents. It will be my usual regimen; no booze, almost no carbs, cardio, weights, and pell work (that's hitting a wooden target with a practice sword). I will be going straight to the gym after work at 07:00, beginning Monday. Hopefully all this will help me lose weight and get more sleep.

By the way, the guy in the picture is Frank Zane. He was a big name in body building in the '60s, and was Mr Olympia in '68. I just put that up there so the gay boys would read the post...


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