Someday, We'll Get Fired for This...

The following is a transcript of an actual IM conversation Flynn and I had. We were both at work at the time.

Reverend: So I was talking to Nerdygirl yesterday on the phone, and we got into a discussion of how the comic is like a child that you and I are trying to raise together.
I think I'm the permissive parent.

Flynn: Oh?

Reverend: Yeah - you're the over-protective parent.

Flynn: ... how am I the over-protective one?

Reverend: You won't let the comic stay out late... You won't let it go to other blogs... You're the hardass.

Flynn: At best, the comic is being raised in a beer-swilling, aristocratic air of negligence...

Reverend: I prefer the term, "benign neglect."

Flynn: Besides, you don't know where the other blogs have been... they could have something.

Reverend: (Neurotic much?) The comic is young - it's immune system is completely healthy

Flynn: Yeah, you just wait until gets it hooked on meth or something!
Besides, I am sooo not the overbearing one...

Reverend: I might be overbearing, but I want our little comic to get out there and see the world.

Flynn: Oh great - travel Europe and leave freaky comments with hot Italian blogs...

Reverend: If that's what the comic wants to do, then yes. I want the comic to grow up to be its own person.
Full of lust for life!
Why are you stifling our baby?

You don't have to be your parents, you know. I certainly don't want to be my mother...

Flynn: I'm not worried about being my parents, I just want our comic to have a good foundation, to grow up strong, knowing right from wrong.
Or at least grey from wrong.
Okay... at least how to not get caught.

Reverend: So do I...
I'm so glad we had this little chat, Ma.

Flynn: Oh hell no - you're "Ma."

Reverend: No way. I squirt the seed into your head... it gestates in you. Then you birth it on the tablet.

Flynn: Eew

Reverend: ha ha... Flynn has a womb...

Flynn: ... not cool

Reverend: Nope, not cool at all; it has to be warm and moist for the eggs to grow...

Flynn: Ass.


Modig said...

LOL! I laughed so hard I forgot math.

Why can't both of you be "Mas?" ;)

P.S. If only I was not a gentleman and had no apprehensions with sharring Tara & my "private" chat conversations. If only. ;)

Linus said...

Damn dude - no one wants to read about how you and Tara get cybernaughty at work...

Flynn said...

... I could stand to hear a little more...

Linus said...

Linus may not want to read that, but Darth Furious is all about it...

Anonymous said...

I agree with Linus, no one wants to hear about that stuff:)GREAT post! I couldn't stop giggling!...Squirting idea seeds! Sick...

Linus said...

I think you could probably SELL that stuff on the 'net. Especially if there were pictures...

Anonymous said...

Although the idea of being a web pron star is tempting,I think there would be more of a market for idea seeds...:)

Big Gay Jim said...

I could always use a "replace all" feature to edit myself into the cyber smut instead of Tara... ;)

Flynn said...

that's hawt...


Mayren said...

where's the pod cast?

Nerdygirl said...

Mayren--lemme 'splain you summin. Our boys are, shall we say, verbose. 'specially when they're...drunk. Now our boys are also, shall we say, acutely aware of their dignity.

Basically what this adds up to is over three hours of drunken rambling which must be carefully crafted and encouraged down to less than one hour of pure gold. Trust me, Flynn's been busting ass on trying to get it (and a bunch more nifty things) done while working full time and having a social life.

Just remember, Flynn and Linus move in mysterious ways...but they're a hell of a lot funnier than God.

Linus said...

The Nerdy one is correct - Flynn is working overtime on the site and the podcast.

She is also correct that we move in mysterious ways.

She is, however, wrong about the funny bit - God is HIGH-larious when he wants to be. Take for example the fact that men peak sexually at 18 and women peak sexually at 30ish - that has got to be the best practical joke of all time...

Nerdygirl said...

I don't know dude, that joke you tell about the pastor, rabbi and black pope kills 'em every time...

Mayren said...

WNG - sweets it just says your my co-fangirl and we can't get enough of the guys. they are seriously funny as Nerdygirls says.

Flynn said...

That you have good taste in men ;)

And we love you too, I say as much in the podcast...

Flynn said...

Don't worry Mayren, you're in it too ;)

Mayren said...

Ya i know that i'm not the favorite Fangirl around here. Hell I stand behind Raksha i'm sure.
But with WNG i'm sorta not that envious because she's too damn cute and likeable!

Big Gay Jim said...

And don't forget about their gay fan girls too!

Linus said...

It's true - the queers are very good to us, be they fan girls or fan bois...

But we love you all equally!

(Back me up here Flynn - we can't afford to show favoritism - they might turn feral on us...)

Flynn said...

Feral eh? That could be fun, we could let them Jello wrestle for supremacy, then mate with the winners... for like, the survival of the species... and freaky hotness... bust mostly the species... yeah...

Linus said...

Fuck - I've completely lost control around here AGAIN...

Big Gay Jim said...

It's SO cute how we let him hang on to the illusion that he ever really had control...

Flynn said...

... tell me which flavor is your favorite and I'll have a kiddie pool filled with it asap!

Linus said...

I vote for cherry! That way it looks like blood...

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